Monday, August 8, 2011

Lessons from family home evening

Today I went to home of the CTS family for family home evening (fme). FME is something us Mormons do on Monday evenings, we devote the evening to activities as a family, scripture study, just creating the bond of families that much stronger. So tonight I was invited to attend. It started with a wonderful family dinner and then us gathering in the living room to discuss up coming apt and activities. We had a lesson giving by grandma CTS, the kids did short skits and talents, and. Papa CTS left us with a wonderful scripture to help change or life. It is doctrine and covenants 88: 119 "Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God.". Boy did that hit home, my house is not organized. It is cluttered and untidy. And the Lord does not dwell in untidy homes. Like papa CTS said, "we keep our churches and temples clean so that the spirit of the Lord may be there." I need to start thinking of my home as my own personal church or temple. I do not want to dirty my church and definitaly do not want to dirty my temple, so why am I dirtying my home? So how and what can I do to change my ways? Its just me at home and there is no reason why my home should get untidy. I know I am not going to change over night. It would be nice to become ocd over night, then it would be clean and stay clean. But like anything else it needs steps taken. Tonight after I conclude this, I will be picking up I have the missionaries coming over. After that I will have to. Put it in Heavenly Fathers hands to give me strength to change and organize my home so that way his spirit may be felt in it. My example of the type of home is the CTS Families home. They are my example of how I want my family to be like when we start our own. I look up to them because they are truly living the gospel.

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