I know what the TEN COMMANDMENTS are:
- Thou shalt have no other gods before me (so keeping this one is easy, I only believe in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.)
- Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image (me make any type of image, yeah right I can't even draw a stick figure)
- Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain (This one I am working very hard on!!! When you have been cussing all these years taking the Lords name in vain is one of the worst cuss words.
- Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy (okay, so at times this one is hard to do! There are weeks that the sabbath comes and I don't want to get up out of bed to go to church. There are Sabbaths that I don't always remember the Lord. And worst of all there are Sabbaths that I don't rest from my daily tasks........)
- Honour thy father and thy mother (As I have gotten older, I have been able to follow this one way more easier. Why is it that it was sooo hard for me to do when I was young???)
- Thou shalt not kill (EASY to keep!!! Unless you consider killing animals...Does this also include your thoughts? just kidding, I don't think that way!!!)
- Thou shalt not commit adultery (..............................................LOL made you think, now what is the definitions of adultery?? Just cheating??? must research more. JUST KIDDING My heart only belongs to one person, my Chango and he is the only one I want to be with!!)
- Thou shalt not steal (Well I think I am going to the great down under. Okay so it isn't a I mean to do it, it just happens sometimes. Like pens, sometimes I will be writing with someone else's pen and my mind forgets it is theirs until way way later and then it's too late to return it because I forgot by then who's it is. As for stealing from a store or from a neighbor, naw doesn't happen. I don't think. LOL
- Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour (yup I don't do it. I don't even know my neighbour...HAHAHAHAHA....but seriously I do not at all like telling lies about people. I will tell the truth, but lies nope don't like it.
- Thou shalt not covet (what does it mean covet??? okay dictionary time...verb: yearn to possess or have something. Synonyms: crave, desire, hanker, lust............GUILTY!!! do I yearn to have something...well if it is something I see at the store and I like it alot and I want it but I can't afford it do I yearn to have it, YES I do. But then after sight it is out of mind until I see it again. Lust, do I lust after something, anything, anyone. Just Jonathan Davis, he is the hottest singer around, Yes I think he is handsome, gorgeous, sexy, and that long hair!!! BUT I don't think of him every day all day, my world doesn't revolve around him. I just think he is totally hot!!!! So am I really breaking this commandment???? This is what the website (the link) says about this 10th commandment: Coveting, or envying something that belongs to another, is damaging to the soul. It can consume our thoughts and plague us with constant unhappiness and dissatisfaction. It often leads to other sins and to financial indebtedness.......Do my examples fit this description of coveting? I am not happy or dissatisfied with my life because I do not have the things I want. I can say I am happy with the things in my life that I do have.
Then there is the WORD OF WISDOM in which us Mormons believe in:
“All saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments, shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones;
“And shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures;
“And shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint.
“And I, the Lord, give unto them a promise, that the destroying angel shall pass by them, as the children of Israel, and not slay them” (D&C 89:18-21). (What awesome blessing!!!! If only I can totally follow the word of wisdom!!)
This is what mormon.org says on the law of tithe and why Mormons pay tithing:
Why are Mormons asked to donate 10% of their income to their Church?
Gordon B. Hinckley, prior President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, said: “Our major source of revenue is the ancient law of the tithe. Our people are expected to pay 10 percent of their income to move forward the work of the Church. The remarkable and wonderful thing is that they do it. Tithing is not so much a matter of dollars as it is a matter of faith. It becomes a privilege and an opportunity, not a burden. Our people believe in the word of God as set forth in the book of Malachi, that the Lord will open the windows of heaven and pour down blessings that there will not be room enough to receive them (Malachi 3:8-10). Moving and touching is the testimony of Latter-day Saints throughout the world concerning this the Lord’s law for the financing of His work.”
What is done with the tithing that Mormons pay?
The principle of tithing, or voluntarily giving one tenth of one’s income to God’s work, has been known since Old Testament times. Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek (Genesis 14:17-20).
The law of tithing is how the Lord funds His Church. Today all faithful members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints contribute one tenth of their income as tithing. Tithing funds are used for:
- Constructing temples, chapels, and other buildings.
- Providing operating funds for the Church.
- Funding the missionary program (This does not include individual missionary expenses.)
- Preparing materials used in Church classes and organizations.
- Temple work, family history, and many other important Church functions.
- Education.
When the Lord reminded His people of this law through the prophet Malachi in the Old Testament, He promised to bless those who were willing to pay an honest tithe (Malachi 3:10).
So tithing is an old commandment from the day's of Abraham. And it does really make since because with out the "donations" from the members of the church how can our church help those in need and it helps maintain the buildings of the church. How can I practice the law of tithe during my financial struggles when I am trying to pay the bills and have money for gas in my vehicle and what ever else things I need during the two weeks. I think I must pray about this!
President Ezra Taft Benson: “Do not be misled by Satan’s lies. There is no lasting happiness in immorality. There is no joy to be found in breaking the law of chastity. Just the opposite is true. There may be momentary pleasure. For a time it may seem like everything is wonderful. But quickly the relationship will sour. Guilt and shame set in. We become fearful that our sins will be discovered. We must sneak and hide, lie and cheat. Love begins to die. Bitterness, jealousy, anger, and even hate begin to grow. All of these are the natural results of sin and transgression.
“On the other hand, when we obey the law of chastity and keep ourselves morally clean, we will experience the blessings of increased love and peace, greater trust and respect for our marital partners, deeper commitment to each other, and, therefore, a deep and significant sense of joy and happiness” (“The Law of Chastity,” BYU 1987–88 Devotional and Fireside Speeches [1988], 51).
President Gordon B. Hinckley: “Pornography is the literature of the devil. Shun it. Stay away from it. Lift your sights and your minds to the higher and nobler things of life. Remember, ‘wickedness never was happiness’ (Alma 41:10). Sin never brought happiness. Transgression never brought happiness. Disobedience never brought happiness” (Brigham Young University devotional, 17 Oct. 1995).
Elder Russell M. Nelson: “When you marry, you and your eternal companion may then invoke the power of procreation, that you may have joy and rejoicing in your posterity. This divine endowment is guarded by your Creator’s law of chastity” (“Self-Mastery,” Ensign, Nov. 1985, 31).
President Marion G. Romney: “‘Thou shalt not commit adultery.’ … The violator of this commandment suffers a loss second only to the loss suffered by him who kills. With the loss of the Spirit of the Lord, which always accompanies adultery, comes a diminution of the power to choose between right and wrong. Lying, loss of self-respect, and disloyalty are bosom companions of adultery. If we are seriously interested in being successful in any endeavor, we shall avoid every type of immorality as we would avoid the plague” (“A Glorious Promise,” Ensign, Jan. 1981, 3).
It looks like I can go on and on with what the Prophets and Apostles have taught on this subject. When I think of this law I think it is only for young people who are not married. But if we look at it closely it does pertain to married people as well.
Now what have I learned from all this??? For the most part I am following the Lord's commandments. But there is one commandment that I have a hard time following. It is known as the great commandment: