Thursday, January 31, 2013

"Keep the Commandments"

In the Scriptures there is always the phrase "keep the commandments" or "keep His commandments",  has anyone else wondered, what commandments are they talking about??? I wonder....I know I do, I search, I definitely ponder it, and I have prayed about it. I just want to scream WHAT COMMANDMENTS ARE  YOU TALKING ABOUT AND WHY CAN'T YOU LIST THEM??? Maybe I am just looking in the wrong area....

I know what the TEN COMMANDMENTS are:
  1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me (so keeping this one is easy, I only believe in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.)
  2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image (me make any type of image, yeah right I can't even draw a stick figure)
  3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain (This one I am working very hard on!!! When you have been cussing all these years taking the Lords name in vain is one of the worst cuss words.
  4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy (okay, so at times this one is hard to do! There are weeks that the sabbath comes and I don't want to get up out of bed to go to church.  There are Sabbaths that I don't always remember the Lord. And worst of all there are Sabbaths that I don't rest from my daily tasks........)
  5. Honour thy father and thy mother (As I have gotten older, I have been able to follow this one way more easier.  Why is it that it was sooo hard for me to do when I was young???)
  6. Thou shalt not kill (EASY to keep!!! Unless you consider killing animals...Does this also include your thoughts? just kidding, I don't think that way!!!)
  7. Thou shalt not commit adultery (..............................................LOL made you think, now what is the definitions of adultery?? Just cheating??? must research more.  JUST KIDDING My heart only belongs to one person, my Chango and he is the only one I want to be with!!)
  8. Thou shalt not steal (Well I think I am going to the great down under.  Okay so it isn't a I mean to do it, it just happens sometimes.  Like pens, sometimes I will be writing with someone else's pen and my mind forgets it is theirs until way way later and then it's too late to return it because I forgot by then who's it is.  As for stealing from a store or from a neighbor, naw doesn't happen. I don't think. LOL
  9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour (yup I don't do it.  I don't even know my neighbour...HAHAHAHAHA....but seriously I do not at all like telling lies about people.  I will tell the truth, but lies nope don't like it.
  10. Thou shalt not covet (what does it mean covet??? okay dictionary time...verb: yearn to possess or have something.  Synonyms: crave, desire, hanker, lust............GUILTY!!! do I yearn to have something...well if it is something I see at the store and I like it alot and I want it but I can't afford it do I yearn to have it, YES I do.  But then after sight it is out of mind until I see it again.  Lust, do I lust after something, anything, anyone.  Just Jonathan Davis, he is the hottest singer around, Yes I think he is handsome, gorgeous, sexy, and that long hair!!! BUT I don't think of him every day all day, my world doesn't revolve around him.  I just think he is totally hot!!!! So am I really breaking this commandment???? This is what the website (the link) says about this 10th commandment:  Coveting, or envying something that belongs to another, is damaging to the soul. It can consume our thoughts and plague us with constant unhappiness and dissatisfaction. It often leads to other sins and to financial indebtedness.......Do my examples fit this description of coveting? I am not happy or dissatisfied with my life because I do not have the things I want.  I can say I am happy with the things in my life that I do have.

Then there is the WORD OF WISDOM in which us Mormons believe in:

No alcoholic drinks (okay so this one is fairly easy to me, I can restrain from it)
  • No Tobacco (So I am trying to quit, did it twice and twice I went back to smoking.  But last night I finished my last cigarette and I said to myself, "self, now you are not going to buy another pack, You are going to quit smoking!")
  • Do not drink hot drinks (Tea & Coffee) (now why did they have to go and mess with the tea.  I like drinking tea, it's refreshing in hot weather.  In Chinese restaurants it goes nicely with your meal...oh well I guess I have to give it up again.)
  • Vegetables & Fruits should be used with prudence and thanksgiving (what is prudence? and thanksgiving, who is thankful for vegetables?? huh? but you know what I do fix them with each meal so I guess I am doing something good.)
  • flesh of beasts and fowls of air is to be used sparingly (This one is a killer!!! I am a carnivore, I eat meat.  And how do I switch our diet around when my husband is the same way???)
  • grains such as wheat, rice and oats are the staff of life. (I knew rice was good for you!!! I love rice, I can eat it every day!!! oats and wheat...not too fond of)
  • Those who keep the word of wisdom are promised:

  • THE LAW OF TITHE (one law I am struggling with since finances are tight)

    This is what says on the law of tithe and why Mormons pay tithing:

    Why are Mormons asked to donate 10% of their income to their Church?

    Gordon B. Hinckley, prior President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, said: “Our major source of revenue is the ancient law of the tithe. Our people are expected to pay 10 percent of their income to move forward the work of the Church. The remarkable and wonderful thing is that they do it. Tithing is not so much a matter of dollars as it is a matter of faith. It becomes a privilege and an opportunity, not a burden. Our people believe in the word of God as set forth in the book of Malachi, that the Lord will open the windows of heaven and pour down blessings that there will not be room enough to receive them (Malachi 3:8-10). Moving and touching is the testimony of Latter-day Saints throughout the world concerning this the Lord’s law for the financing of His work.”

    What is done with the tithing that Mormons pay?

    The principle of tithing, or voluntarily giving one tenth of one’s income to God’s work, has been known since Old Testament times. Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek (Genesis 14:17-20).
    The law of tithing is how the Lord funds His Church. Today all faithful members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints contribute one tenth of their income as tithing. Tithing funds are used for:
    • Constructing temples, chapels, and other buildings.
    • Providing operating funds for the Church.
    • Funding the missionary program (This does not include individual missionary expenses.)
    • Preparing materials used in Church classes and organizations.
    • Temple work, family history, and many other important Church functions.
    • Education.
    When the Lord reminded His people of this law through the prophet Malachi in the Old Testament, He promised to bless those who were willing to pay an honest tithe (Malachi 3:10).

    So tithing is an old commandment from the day's of Abraham.  And it does really make since because with out the "donations" from the members of the church how can our church help those in need and it helps maintain the buildings of the church.  How can I practice the law of tithe during my financial struggles when I am trying to pay the bills and have money for gas in my vehicle and what ever else things I need during the two weeks. I think I must pray about this!

    President Ezra Taft Benson: “Do not be misled by Satan’s lies. There is no lasting happiness in immorality. There is no joy to be found in breaking the law of chastity. Just the opposite is true. There may be momentary pleasure. For a time it may seem like everything is wonderful. But quickly the relationship will sour. Guilt and shame set in. We become fearful that our sins will be discovered. We must sneak and hide, lie and cheat. Love begins to die. Bitterness, jealousy, anger, and even hate begin to grow. All of these are the natural results of sin and transgression.
    “On the other hand, when we obey the law of chastity and keep ourselves morally clean, we will experience the blessings of increased love and peace, greater trust and respect for our marital partners, deeper commitment to each other, and, therefore, a deep and significant sense of joy and happiness” (“The Law of Chastity,” BYU 1987–88 Devotional and Fireside Speeches [1988], 51).

    President Gordon B. Hinckley:Pornography is the literature of the devil. Shun it. Stay away from it. Lift your sights and your minds to the higher and nobler things of life. Remember, ‘wickedness never was happiness’ (Alma 41:10). Sin never brought happiness. Transgression never brought happiness. Disobedience never brought happiness” (Brigham Young University devotional, 17 Oct. 1995).

    Elder Russell M. Nelson: “When you marry, you and your eternal companion may then invoke the power of procreation, that you may have joy and rejoicing in your posterity. This divine endowment is guarded by your Creator’s law of chastity” (“Self-Mastery,” Ensign, Nov. 1985, 31).

    President Marion G. Romney: “‘Thou shalt not commit adultery.’ … The violator of this commandment suffers a loss second only to the loss suffered by him who kills. With the loss of the Spirit of the Lord, which always accompanies adultery, comes a diminution of the power to choose between right and wrong. Lying, loss of self-respect, and disloyalty are bosom companions of adultery. If we are seriously interested in being successful in any endeavor, we shall avoid every type of immorality as we would avoid the plague” (“A Glorious Promise,” Ensign, Jan. 1981, 3).

    It looks like I can go on and on with what the Prophets and Apostles have taught on this subject.  When I think of this law I think it is only for young people who are not married.  But if we look at it closely it does pertain to married people as well.

    Now what have I learned from all this??? For the most part I am following the Lord's commandments.  But there is one commandment that I have a hard time following.  It is known as the great commandment:

    Matthew 22:35-40:

    35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying,

     36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

     37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

     38 This is the first and great commandment.

     39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

     40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

    Wednesday, January 30, 2013

    My day today

    So If you have been keeping up with me and my blog, you have noticed that I just added a lot of different poems and stories.  Those poems and stories I had such a wonderful time writing.  Most of my poems are dark poems like the ones recently loaded.  So if you are looking for some up beat things from me, well sorry to disappointing you.  But other things I do have more of an up beat not drag me down death wish stuff. 

    Besides that some good news has happened.  Chango who lost his job, which that company he was working for was shisty, went for an interview today and got a job.  I am so happy and proud of him!! Now my praying is for him to keep the job so that way we won't be worrying and stressed out.  Because of the stress we have been at each others throat.  But no matter how hard it gets, we some how always pull through it.  Have to give thanks to my Heavenly Father for bestowing his wonderful blessings upon us.

    Whatever happened to Darling? (Bag Lady part II)


                    “YES, MOTHER YOU LOST YOUR SON AND I’M SORRY.”



    Up date on Darling as of 01/27/09

    I have been following the story of mother, son and Darling and I am sad to report that Darling is not doing well now.  After she ran into Mother on that one day a year ago, Darling never went through with her promise.  For about six months Darling thought and thought about Mother.  I was able to get a part of her diary.


    I feel so terrible about what happened to Mother.  I should have not been so selfish, but money was my motive and it was greed that I was in love with.  I had it made, married to Son, the richest guy in town, and I threw it all away.  What was I thinking.  And then…..what did I do.  I should have helped Mother like I said I was going to.  But I didn’t do anything.  How could I do that to that poor woman, she was always there for us and supported everything that Son and I did.  I feel so bad.  All I could think of is her sitting there on that cold bench saying. “MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB, RAN STREET, LOST.”
    What did I do…..if I don’t stop thinking about this then I’m going to become crazy!!!

    That was all that was found.  I believe that Darling carries that around with her.  But here is a picture that we acquired from the police department when they arrested Darling on trespassing.  And come to find out the police said that all she was saying was “Mother, Marry had a little lamb, ran, street, lost.”  Poor Darling!  So if you see Darling or the bag lady on the street, remember to be very nice to them for they have gone through a lot.

    Bag Lady 10-14-08

    This story I was way fun to write.  I wrote it when I was working at comfort suites.  My coworker and I would laugh so much, she helped me draw some of the drawings.

    This Is The Story Of The Bag Lady

                The bag lady is not of this city, she hails from Arkansas. She moved down here in 1995, with a promise from her son that she could live with him.  Well things were going alright until….that dreaded day that her and her daughter-in law had a fight.  From then on they could not get along, all they did was try and out due the other.  The son got tired of them fighting, so he sat them down one day and spoke these words,
                “Mother, Darling I want you to hear my words, I do not want you to fight, I do not want you to argue, I just want you to sit there and listen to what I have to say. Nood your head if you understand.  Good then we are all on the same page.  Darling, I love you so much with all my heart, you are my wife, but you have to understand this is my mother you can’t try in compete with that.  You must understand for 25 years my mother was the only woman in my life, if she thinks that I like this instead of that then you must believe her.  But on the other hand, mother you know I love you more than anything on the earth but you must realize I am married to Darling now and she must learn on her own. If you guys can’t get along than I'm sorry mother I have to ask you to leave, but Darling if I have to ask my mother to leave you have to leave too. Don’t think that I am going to live with some one for the rest of my life is she can’t get along with my mother. “
                 And with that he was done speaking, the wife not heading his words just made matters worse for the mother and her, and the son not going back on his words,  kicked his mother and wife out.  Both of them went on the streets, unknown to most. But I did hear some rumors that I will share.   The mother if you see her is some times in the downtown area, the wife well lets just say that she up and disappeared, some say that she is still around and some say that she jumped off of the over pass to the freeway.  If you ask the bag lady you won’t get a straight answer all you will get is mumbles and a few words out of her.  Some times she does say, “we fight, day.” Some times she says, “heaven Darling, sleep tight, fight, marry had a sheep, son left.” 
                You can say that mother dear has lost it.  Now here is the recent picture of mother, in a wanted poster, as you can see she ain't too well.  As for darling and son well I can’t say much I just hope in time that they realized what they did to that poor bag lady!!!

    For my loving husband 10-14-08

    I love this poem!!! I think I had so much fun writing it. Hope you like it too:

    For my loving husband.

    By Adrianna Luna

    Here I sit all alone no one to talk to, no where to call home.
    Will you be with me when I wake today?
    Will you love me when I’m all old and gray?
    Will you love me when my time has come?
    Will you be there when I lay my head down in the earth?

    I do not know these questions I ponder.
    But yet I’m too afraid to ask you.
    If it were me I would say.

    Yes I will be there when you wake today.
    Yes I will love you when you’re old and gray.
    Yes I will love you when your time has come.
    Yes I will be with you to lie you head in the earth.

    For I love you will all my heart.
    You will never know how much I care.
    But one day you will, I have a plan.

    I will be there when you wake today, old and gray.
    I’ll grab my knife, and of coarse yell at you that I’m your wife.
    I’ll slit your throat, and watch the blood poor out.
    I’ll lay you in bed, all nice and tucked in.
    Don’t worry my love I will whisper in your ear.
    I’ll kiss your lips, you have nothing to fear.
    For we are one and will always be.
    For we are in love with each other eternally.

    Death 9-23-10

    Death is everywhere, haven’t you noticed it?  We are born, we grow up and die.  Everyone has experienced Death.  The people you knew when you were young.  They all come to an end some day. No one is exempt from this thing call Death. Some are afraid. They say they don’t want to die, they fear it.  Sometimes Death has them cowering in their beds, sucking their thumbs calling for their mommy. Others except Death and live their life to the fullest. But what really happens when Death comes? Do you go peacefully, do you fight.  Is Death a person that comes and whisper in your ear “it’s time to go”? Maybe you decide to let Death come into your life, you invite Death in. The pain you feel you must take away, and so Death becomes your lover, always there when you’re in need.  Maybe you do a little dance with Death. Tease Death by overdosing just a little, or cutting yourself, but not too deep, just enough to feel Death’s kisses on your life. Death grips at you but has to let you go.  Maybe Death is brought on by someone else, they steal your life and sacrifice it to Death, they might have wished it was them that really died.  Embrace Death, welcome Death.  Either way Death wants to touch you to feel alive.

    Death isn't the way 7-11-10

    Death isn’t the way

    I’m just tired of my life!
    Oh to die would be nice.
    Cut my wrist an’ watch them bleed.
    Take a bag full of coke and a handful of speed.

    Lay my head down on a nice soft pillow.
    Close my eyes to dream I’m buried under a willow.
    People would mourn me, people would cry,
    They just don’t understand why I had to die

    They think I'm floating around on a big white cloud,
    They’re telling my crack-whore mom I hope you’re proud.
    My suicide note read “To die tonight would be nice”
    My husband fell to the ground, “No not my beautiful wife!!”

    He got up then grabbed my body
    He shook it hard, “Why’d you do this to me Molly?
    Why did you leave me? What did I do?
    Didn’t you know I loved you?

    I want to be with you in every way,
    Even if that means I have to die today!”
    And so he took out his knife,
    Kissed me on the cheek, whispered, “Here I come, my beautiful wife”

    He closed his eyes and cut his throat,
    Two seconds later he saw me on a lake in a boat.
    I walked up to him an’ pulled him near,
    “What have you done, why are you here?”

    He stood there for a second then he said,
    “Look at us Molly; look at us we are both dead.
    I read your note that said dyeing would be nice,
    I just couldn’t live without you in my life!”

    I took a step back then asked myself, “Molly, what did you do?”
    Then I realized I killed myself, it was true
    I put my head down in shame,
    And whispered “Boy, I was lame.”

    I thought if I died it would be nice
    But look at me…I screwed up our life.

    Blood Lust

    Blood lust

    I follow you home, you don’t know I’m there
    Away from the lights I stay just to stare
    Your beautiful sight, takes my breath away
    Holding the urge back, I must wait for the right day
    Alone in the room I must creep: fast and lightly
    To your bed I must go,  grab a hold  very tightly
    You try to struggle but I must say,  just let it be
    I’ll kiss you tenderly; I just want you with me
    I’ll make you mine for all time
    We’ll raise a family of our kind
    Gently I will suck your neck
    Just give into me, say what the heck
    As you wake and give a fight
    I’ll grab you closer to say this is right
    I’m just a vampire can’t you see
    The love of blood has sent you to me

    Wednesday, January 23, 2013

    When things get tough, I just wanna hide

    Okay so the last part of 2012 was not going the way it was supposed to.  The bad thing is that 2013 isn't starting off that hot either.  But I am trying to keep my chin up, trying like crazy to put my trust in my Heavenly Father that he will give me the strength to over come this trials and tribulations.  And I must say it isn't an easy thing to do.  Why is that I wonder, is it because my faith isn't as strong.  Or is it because I have little faith.  When I question my faith, I always seem to go back to Jesus when he is telling his disciples, ye of little faith.  Am I that person that has little faith.  Or is it that I do have such strong faith but I am easily distracted from it and that makes me feel I have little faith. I just want all the worries and stresses to leave my head and be gone!!! 

    Tuesday, January 15, 2013

    Gun Control

    Why is it that every time there is a mass shooting like the one that happened last month people start acting retarded? Everyone gets their panties in a wad and start harping "We need stricter gun laws and gun control"  REALLY people!!!! You are they type of people that do not need to procreate.  GUNS DO NOT KILL PEOPLE!!!! Its the idiots behind the gun that is pulling the trigger who are killing people! I can grab all my guns in my house, load them up, set them on my table, write a list of names, set the list next to the guns and tell them to go out and kill every single name on that list.  And guess what those guns are going to do.......LAY THERE!!!
    Come on people when are you going to wake up and smell the coffee??? STOP blaming the problems of today on other things and start taking responsibility.

    p.s. don't get me wrong, when people shoot up schools yes it is a tragedy.

    Thursday, January 10, 2013

    Mom's favorite

    I can not remember my mom's favorite color, or her favorite food but there are other things that I can remember that is her favorite.  Her favorite perfume to wear, Primo Perfume By Parfums De Coeurto this day I buy it at the store just to smell her. 
    Her favorite tv soap opera. , , and .  When I was young we used to watch those shows together, I continued watching them, okay only one which is One Life to Live until it was taken off the air.  Now I watch General Hospital but only because some of the One Life to Live characters went to gh, at least for now. 
    her favorite church hymn was Because I have Been Given Much:

    Because I have been given much, I too must give. Because of they great bounty, Lord each day I live.  I shall divide my gifts from thee with every brother that I see,  who has the need of help from me.
    Because I have been sheltered, fed by thy good care, I can not see another's lack and I not share.  my glowing fire, my loaf of bread my roof's safe shelter over head, that he too may be comforted.
    Because I have been blessed by thy great love dear Lord, I'll share thy love again accoording to thy word.  I shall give love to those in need. I'll show that love by word and deed, thus shall my thanks be thanks indeed.

    When looking for this beautiful song I found out that this song is a poem put to music, and that not only does our church have it as a hymn but the baptist church has it also. 

    Because I Have Been Given Much
    Lyrics: Grace Noll Crowell
    Music: Robert Gross Lds: Phillip Landgrave
    Because I have been given much I too must give
    Because of Your great bounty Lord each day I live
    I shall divide my gifts from You
    With ev’ry other that I view
    Who has the need of help from me
    Because I have been sheltered fed by Your good care
    I cannot see another's lack and I not share
    My glowing fire my loaf of bread
    My roof's safe shelter overhead
    That someone may be comforted
    Because love has been lavished so upon me Lord
    A wealth I know that was not meant for me to hoard
    I shall give love to those in need
    Shall show that love by word and deed
    Until my thanks be thanks indeed