This is my life: the things that go on in it, my beliefs, my dreams, my hopes, but most of all my record of my Earthly life. Feel free to read, to comment but please do not judge. The struggles in my life are real, the temptations are there as I fight to live my life rightously and return to my Heavenly Father.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Killer of technology
Yup just like the title says, I am a KILLER OF TECHNOLOGY!!! At work I had to migrate my computer from an older system to a newer system. Of coarse I was wondering where the actual techs were, you know the ones that come out and do it themselves. But no no one came, I had to do it all by myself. And the whole time I was saying, I am going to blow something up. Well unfortionally I didn't blow anything up like I thought I was going to. Instead I made something that was working no longer work. To top it off I was on the phone with tech support for like an hour waiting for them to say "Well I don't know what to tell you, you did something we can not fix and so we will send someone out to fix it." But those words never came true. Instead they fixed it!!!! Good ol tech people. Now I must say, I am headed home!!! Should have been home over an hour ago!
Monday, October 29, 2012
What to do with Flea Bag??
Well it shows how much I have been working lately if I don't really notice my cats. Yesterday, or should I say lastnight, I noticed that Flea Bag, my female cat, is pregnant. Yup you read right. Now I can't be mad at her, or the tom although I would really love to strangle his neck!!!! It honestly is truely my fault for not getting her or the tom fixed. I knew she was a little hoochie and yet I never fixed her, but of coarse remember I never had the money to do it. So here is Flea Bag, tummy huge, don't know when she is going to pop, loving. Well if she actually has the kittens I am so unsure on what I am going to do with them. Ugh too many animals!!
Friday, October 26, 2012
Are people really reading my blog???
Ever since I have been looking around on the blogger website, I always posted from my phone and not the internet, I have been checking every day to see how much traffic my blog has been having. Today it said that I have had 32 page views. I wonder, is it really that many people reading my short little spills or is blogger telling me a lie. If people are really reading it then why isn't anyone posting comments to my blog. I would really like to have someone comment. As long as it isn't a dumb comment. Like, mormons are morons, or you suck. I just don't know how people can be that rude to others. This morning I was just telling my co worker that I don't understand people. Why is it that people can be so cruel to others. Totally off subject....ok back on track now. So people if you are out there reading my inner thoughts, my rants, my raves, my loneless then PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT. I'll even accept: Becky Joe read this post. Something to know that I am not just writing this for myself but others are reading it. And hey if one sparks some interest in you let me know too.
Till we meet again.
Till we meet again.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Okay so I work in the post office. Since I have been here I have noticed that people do not check their mail on a regular basis. Goodness, trying to stuff more mail in an alread full box it pretty dang hard!!! I just don't understand them. Sometimes I don't check my mail on one or two days, but mail for me is kind of like getting presents on Christmas. You never know what is going to be in the box. I know it's a pain when all that seems to come is bills, you get one paid and then it seems like the next day they are sending you another bill. Or what about that junk mail??? I hate getting it in my emails, but getting it in my snail mail is kind of fun. I think it's because I can rip it up and toss it in the trash. But the best thing is when I know I am getting a package in the mail. The anticipation of waiting for it to come, not what day it is going to be there (unless you track it online, but even then you never know exactly what time it is going to get there), and then when it finally comes you rip into it, open up what ever you ordered and then bam, the excitement is gone. Once again like presents. But there are customers here that have let their packages sit for almost a week, and yet they are notified that they got their package. I just don't understand who people don't really care to check mail. Chango and I are always fighting (not litterally) to see who is going to check the box, most of the time it is him because I am at work. But when I get to check it, I get happy. The only time I hate to check the box is when I open it and all I see is the back of the box. Standing there laughing at me, telling me haha looser no one loves you. I have to admit I do get a little upset when I don't have at least one piece of mail, even if it is junk mail I don't care. I guess you can say I'm just a little weird. But ever since I was a kid I used to love getting the mail. I remember seeing the mail man at the corner and I would go and stand by my box with a big smile. He would hand it to me and I would almost run inside to give it to my parents. But oh man if the mailman didn't hand it to me, I never liked him from that day on. My mom also liked our mailman, she would make fresh home made tortillas (enchilladas, you name it) and put a letter on the mailbox telling him to honk cause she had a present for him. After a few times he came to know what to expect. Lets just say the mailman was gaining a tad bit of weight. I think I might have gotten of my soap box....seems like that. But anyways, I wish I could leave a note in the box telling them, "hey why don't you keep your box clean so I won't have to struggle to get more mail in it." LOL oh well, can't do nothing about it but complain to myself and hope the next day when I come into work my customers cleaned out their box. =D
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Stress, what for?
You know it's funny how us humans stress over the smallest things. For instance, money and bills. Payday is coming up soon and so I start making my list of bills, when they need to be paid, what check is going to pay them. And no sooner do I make the list and add up all the expense do I start stressing over it. WHY???? I wish I knew the answer! It's not like the bills are not going to get paid, or even just a partial payment to keep the essentials on. Goodness. Bills are my number one stresser, number two is having enough money to keep Chango feed while he is away from home. I love how Alma put it in the Book of Mormon:
Alma 39:14
Alma 39:14
14 Seek not after riches nor the vain things of this world; for behold, you cannot carry them with you.
And yet I still stress over money. I know the Lord will provide for me if I just ask him to. He has done it so many times in the past. Has found a way for me to pay the bills when I thought there was no way and they were on a disconnection notice. Jacob has even said to seek the Lord: Jacob 2:18
18 But before ye seek for riches, seek ye for the kingdom of God.
I must remember that no matter how much I make, or my husband or how little we have I must still remember the Lord in good times and in bad. The Nephites show such a good example in Alma 62:49
49 But notwithstanding their riches, or their strength, or their prosperity, they were not lifted up in the pride of their eyes; neither were they slow to remember the Lord their God; but they did humble themselves exceedingly before him. Jacob reminds us that we must seek Christ and also have charity: Jacob 2:19
19 And after ye have obtained a hope in Christ ye shall obtain riches, if ye seek them; and ye will seek them for the intent to do good— to clothe the naked, and to feed the hungry, and to liberate the captive, and administer relief to the sick and the afflicted. I must not be like the people in Helaman 13:22
(22 Ye do not remember the Lord your God in the things with which he hath blessed you, but ye do always remember your riches, not to thank the Lord your God for them; yea, your hearts are not drawn out unto the Lord, but they do swell with great pride, unto boasting, and unto great swelling, envyings, strifes, malice, persecutions, and murders, and all manner of iniquities.) And not remember to thank my Heavenly Father for all he has given me, my job, my husbands job, our home, our car, our family. For without him we wouldn't have everything. It pains me that I am not always thanking him for the things he has given me. I must remember to always count my blessings!!
I must remember:
Alma 37:36
36 Yea, and cry unto God for all thy support; yea, let all thy doings be unto the Lord, and whithersoever thou goest let it be in the Lord; yea, let all thy thoughts be directed unto the Lord; yea, let the affections of thy heart be placed upon the Lord forever.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Realization of my personal Liahona
Yesterday sister cts suggested we read the book of mormon and start at the Book of Mosiah. So with her eldest daughter and our friend jn r we read chapter 1 together. There has been a verse that stuck jumped out at me. It is Mosiah 1:16 king benjamin talks about "...the ball or director, which led our fathers through the wilderness." that ball was the liahona, a compass given to Lehi. The first mention of the Liahona was in 1Nephi 16:10. In 1Nephi 16:26-29 it mentions the Lord would write messages on it, so that the Nephites would understand what the Lord required of them. It would also change from time to time. 1Nephi 16:28 tells us "...the pointers which were in the ball, that they did work according to the faith and diligence and heed which we did give unto them." I have noticed that the scriptures work the same way that the Liahona worked for the Nephites. I can read one scripture, one verse, and it would mean something to me. Then days or even a year later I can read the same verse and it would mean something totally different to me. My personal Liahona is my scriptures. By the Lord were they written, through his servents, and the Lord speaks to me through them. One day it can mean something and the next it can mean something else. Each time I read the scriptures, they guide me through the wilderness. Now my wilderness is not the same as the Nephites wilderness that was spoken of in the Book of Mormon. No MY wilderness is not uninhabited land that I must go throught. MY wilderness is everyday life, the life we live. It is the place I work, my friends, my town, my home. That is MY wilderness, and MY Liahona is the scriptures that guide me through everyday life. The Bible, The Book of Mormon, the Pearl of Great Price and The Doctrine and Covenants. They are my Liahona, and as long as I am faithful and I put my trust in the Lord, my Liahona will continue to work, it will continue to lead me through my wilderness, it will lead me down the path of rightousness, it will lead me on that straight and narrow path. It will lead me to that promise land, which for me is Heaven. Find your personal Liahona, have it guide you, find your messages from the Lord in it.
“If we listen to and follow the promptings of the Spirit, they will serve as a Liahona, guiding us through the unknown, challenging valleys and mountains that are ahead (see 1 Nephi 16).”-
First Presidency Message
General Conference—No Ordinary Blessing
By President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Second Counselor in the First Presidency
I think I have came to grips with the fact that I am a loner. I pretty much stay to myself now a days. Well work has something to do with it because I am at it every day from 730-5 after work I just go home, feed my animals, make dinner and then get ready to go to bed. I find myself in bed by 8pm but not falling asleep till about 1030-11. Saturdays, Chango and I have the night off together and on Sundays we have the day together, never fails instead of him wanting to be at home and maybe clean the house or rearrange or even just spend time lounging around he is wanting to do things. Like this past Sunday it was go, go, go. I didn't even have time to feed us until after 8pm. The funniest thing about this weekend, was that we were at someones house and I found myself sitting in my vehicle with the persons dog, the dog didn't even know me before that day, singing and talking to the dog. I happened to look over at everyone else talking in a circle and I thought to myself, "Wow, I rather be hanging out with animals instead of people." And the weirdest thing is that it didn't even bug me at all. Maybe the reason why I stay to myself is that growing up I couldn't really go anywhere, I spent most of my time going to school then going home. And the fact that the brother I grew up with is 10 years older than me, so hanging out with him was not really an option. The only friends I hung out with was my neighbors. My dad was pretty strick after my mom passed away. I couldn't go to any dances, or school functions besides band, I couldn't go hang out with my friends at a mall or even at Mc Donalds. I couldn't go to any of their houses and chill. Running around in the streets forget about it. So what did I do, I stayed home, mostly in my room. I listened to music, watched tv, read books, talked on the phone alot to my friends, talked alot to my dog until she passed away. Looking back my room was awesome to me. I had all kinds of thing, things that are now in a box locked behind a door in a room that I never go into. Boy how life has changed just because I am now with someone. If it were up to me I would have alot of my things out and about around my home. My home would just be one big bedroom to me. Even now as I write this and reflect on my feelings about not always hanging out with people, and not really being around people I am not even a bit sad or feel remorse. I guess it is because I am just at peace with how I am and how I grew up. I am a Loner.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Gladys Knight
Yesterday, Chango, the missionaries Elder Goodman and Elder Clements and I went to see Gladys Knight and the Saints Unified Voice. I wanted to go because it was Gladys Knight, a famious singer what I didn't know is that I was going to leave with something more than the bragging rights of saying I saw a famious person. The presentation, concert, fireside, what ever you want to call it was amazing!!! The voices of the choir talk about angels singing. The songs were catchy, they sang two songs I knew: I am a child of God and Amazing Grace. lets just say I never heard those hymns sung like that. I just couldn't stop from crying throughout the whole thing. I am so glad and greatful that I had a chance to be there.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Lately I have been feeling empty. Kind of unhappy, but at the same time I am happy. Things are going well for hubby and I but at the same time I feel like something is missing. When we went for a drive on Sunday I told Chango that I wanted to start going back to church because I miss going to the temple. I feel such a love and peace there when I go. And it seems like answers come to me when I need them to. My heart keeps going back to the scriptures. There is a strong pulling towards them. For me to start reading them again. I just hate that I will read them every day for a little bit then fall into not doing it every night. I also want to wake up every day around 5 am to start getting ready then do some scripture study but at the same time it is very hard for me to wake up early. What can I do to get closer go my Heavenly Father? What can I do to break these chains of bondage that I am in? I don’t want to feel empty anymore!!!!!!!!!!
Monday morning, UGH
Yesterday was such a horrible monday morning!!! I woke up late for work, actually Chango called me to see if I was up and of coarse the answer was no. So I hurried up and got ready for work. By the time I got there my co-worker was already there and instead of calling me to see what was wrong she called the office that is over ours and made them drive all the way out here. On top of it we were very busy. Luckly we got through it and the day turned out to be alot better than what it was. As of right now I am hatin Mondays.
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