Friday, April 21, 2017

An interesting thing came into my mind today as I sat in the employee lounge at my work, which just happens to be in a basement, it was nice being down there alone with just my lunch and thoughts. And boy did my thoughts run away.

I had met with the missionaries earlier in the day to discuss our weekly Bible study chapters. Knowing I might be on a side which I do not really care to work on, I asked the Elders to leave me with a uplifting word from the Book of Mormon to get me through the night. Alma 11:40 came to the elders mind

"And he shall come into the world to redeem his people; and he shall take upon him the transgressions of those who believe on his name; and these are they that shall have eternal life, and salvation cometh to none else."

As I pondered these words again I thought of what one of the elders said through believing in Jesus Christ and good works we all will be saved.

Good works, huh. That led me to think of a question that was asked this Sunday on Sunday school:
                                                    "What does being the Lord’s covenant
                                                    people have to do with how we dress,
                                                    act, and keep the commandments of

I have the first part down which is believing in Jesus Christ that he is my savior and my redeemer. That he was sent by Heavenly Father to die on the cross for my sins. He is my big brother, my middle man, my shoulder to lean on. I may not always remember in my trials and tribulations to always call upon Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to get me through my troubles. I don't always feast upon his words everyday. It's hard for me to pray, or actually it is hard for me to remember to pray. At times I kind of envy people that remember to do it, it's nice to be in a fast food restaurant and see a couple bow their heads and say a prayer before they eat their meal. Sometimes, and I try so hard not to do it, I do take the Lord's name in vain. It's kind of hard when you are used to cussing, but I am trying to do better and trying to choose different words instead. I am trying to go to church every week, even if it is only for one hour out of the three hours we go. I've actually had friends who ask how I can go to church for three hours, but honestly since I have grown up in the church it doesn't bother me. I love it, because the first hour is our Sacrament hour or mass to some people. Our second hour is Sunday School, and then the third hour is like Sunday School only women go to one class and the men go to another class. And honestly, when I am at church going through the different classes/hours it doesn't feel like I have been at church for three hours at all. Sometimes I am sad at the end of church because I had such a wonderful, spiritual experience I don't want it to end.
So how does good works go hand in hand with believing in Jesus Christ?  It's hard for me to explain.  But we can ask ourselves, How is it that if you believe in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and still do wicked things?  I know that in my heart that can't really be, for you can not have two masters.

                                                         24 ¶No man can serve two masters:
                                                              for either he will hate the one,
                                                              and love the other; or else he will
                                                              hold to the one, and despise the other. 
                                                             Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

If you truely follow Jesus Christ in your heart, then you will strive to not only keep the commandments of our Heavenly Father, but also follow the teachings of Jesus.  When he was here on earth, he helped the weak, the sick, the sinful, and poor.  He told us to be converted as little children.  If you truely have faith in Jesus Christ, you will strive to folloow the commandments, which in turn betters yourself.  Not only that but you will also learn to forgive others and do unto them as you would have them do unto you.  You just can't hold a grudge against someone and another for total forgiveness if you haven't forgiven in your heart. 
                                                       13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
                                                       Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this
                                                       is the whole duty of man.
                                                       14 For God shall bring every work into judgment,
                                                       with every secret thing, whether it be good,
                                                       or whether it be evil.

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