It’s been 20 years since my mom passed away. But, yet instead of celebrating her death date, I choose to celebrate, remember, and think of her on her birth date. Yup, today is my mom’s birthday!! If she were alive she would be 68 years old, wow 68 years old now that’s old.
My mom, Rose Estrada Luna, was born to Jose Cuevas Estrada and Juanita Calderon on March 6, 1945 in Garden City, KS. She was 3rd oldest out of 6 kids, all of whom grew up in Garden City. Her family moved to California (don't know what year) and mom attended Redwood High School in Visalia, CA. She met my dad, Pedro Luna, in 1964 (I think) and had my brother Pedro J. Luna on October 24, 1970. They were then married on May 5, 1974 in Ventura, CA and on November 12th, 1978 Mom, Dad and Petey were baptized and became members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. On March 28, 1980 that’s when I was born. Mom had a couple of battles of breast cancer, and on December 31, 1992 at 8:15p.m. a wonderful soul left this earth to join her Heavenly Father in Heaven.
I know that is just facts that doesn’t really explain who she was…My mom was awesome! Growing up anyone of my brother’s friends would call her mom, that’s how loveable she was. She was active in quite a few activities that her children were in. She was band mom, room mother (my mom had a way with my teachers and they would offer her head room mother for the year), PTA member, and she always did things with church.
My mom was spontaneous, growing up we would go for junk food rides all the time!! (for those of you who don’t know what they are where: you buy junk food; sandwiches, chips, soda, any type of snacks. Pack the car and cooler with all your snacks and pick a direction to drive, not knowing where you will end up.) Those were always fun drives, we would just end up somewhere, anywhere. Sometimes it was in the mountains, or the beach, or just 3 hours away from home, no matter where it was we would end up at the destination spend some time there and then turn around and drive home. The ones I always hated were when we would end up in the mountains, I am scared of heights and I hated those windy roads, but my mom always knew what to do, she would put on church music and have me lay down to fall asleep. Another ride that she would do was our ice cream runs. There was this small little ice cream shop in Visalia, CA called goochies, or at least that is what we called it. She would come into my room, or find me out side and say, “you want to go to goochies.” Of course being a kid, who wouldn’t want ice cream, we would pile up in the car and go get ice cream.
My mom was the best!!! If I had to do this life over, I wouldn’t trade her in for anyone else in this world. The only thing I would ask for is for her not to leave this world so early, and for us to have many, many more years together. But, the memories I do have of her are wonderful (which I will write more stories about her) I love her so much, and miss her deeply. But one day she and I will be together in Heaven and then I can tell her face to face
Happy Birthday Mom!!!!