This is my life: the things that go on in it, my beliefs, my dreams, my hopes, but most of all my record of my Earthly life. Feel free to read, to comment but please do not judge. The struggles in my life are real, the temptations are there as I fight to live my life rightously and return to my Heavenly Father.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Snow is a four letter dirty word!
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Thought today would be better....
I have come to realize that this blog is kind of more for me and my thoughts, like an online journal. At first I thought it would be great to kind of make it where people can read it, but I think no one is reading what I post except for me. But it's OK if I am the only one who is a fan of my page. Maybe when I have kids they will one day look at this blog and get to know their mom more than what they do.
Right now I am struggling with preparing myself to go to the temple and receive my endowments. I am having a hard time over coming this smoking thing and I think it is because ciggerets are right there available to me since my hubby smokes. I need to some how over come this thing, the rest of the things I must do is alot easier.
Today I have to go and get my gun, its a .22 revolver, but the way things are looking it's not looking too wonderful for me. I called over to the office that is incharge of my post office to ask a question and they told me I have an express. Now for those of you who don't know what an express is it is a package or letter that has been mailed with great urgency, tipically over night. My office has a due time of 3 pm for the expresses but my work hours today is from 10-12 and the gun shop I am going to usually closes between 12-1. I have to call to see if they will stay open for me. Talk about frustrating because the weekend are the only times I can go and get this thing.
Right now I am just here in my office waiting for the mail to come in so I can put it up, I already have things ready for closing time. I honestly hate waiting. I guess since I am here doing nothing I better read my scriptures.
Right now I am struggling with preparing myself to go to the temple and receive my endowments. I am having a hard time over coming this smoking thing and I think it is because ciggerets are right there available to me since my hubby smokes. I need to some how over come this thing, the rest of the things I must do is alot easier.
Today I have to go and get my gun, its a .22 revolver, but the way things are looking it's not looking too wonderful for me. I called over to the office that is incharge of my post office to ask a question and they told me I have an express. Now for those of you who don't know what an express is it is a package or letter that has been mailed with great urgency, tipically over night. My office has a due time of 3 pm for the expresses but my work hours today is from 10-12 and the gun shop I am going to usually closes between 12-1. I have to call to see if they will stay open for me. Talk about frustrating because the weekend are the only times I can go and get this thing.
Right now I am just here in my office waiting for the mail to come in so I can put it up, I already have things ready for closing time. I honestly hate waiting. I guess since I am here doing nothing I better read my scriptures.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Book of Mormon: A reading challenge for me.
So I copied the schedule and taped it to the front of my Book of Mormon, which everyone says it is a good idea to start a new book when you decide to start over. If only they knew how many times I start and stop reading. I think I would have a million books.
I think I am doing alright in keeping to the schedule. I am a day or two behind, but I am striving to read it!!
I just want to say that I know this book, The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. And if you read it, with real intent, you will know it does testify of Christ. For only things that testify of the goodness of the Lord are of the Lord, because the devil can not testify of the goodness of the Lord but only the Holy Ghost can testify of God and Jesus. I hope you will seek the happiness this book brings and feel how closer to Heavenly Father you will become by just reading this book then asking Heavenly Father if this IS his words.
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Example of how I am marking my new Book of Mormon |
I have chosen to read the Book of Mormon again, from coverth to coverth. Usually I start something like this and about half way through the book I for some reason stop reading. Which is horrible because I really enjoy reading the Book of Mormon and I have fun trying to find different things to help me understand the words of the Lord. For example every time I see the word baptism I take a green pen and write over the letters with the pen. I do it for repentance (blue), faith (black), Holy Ghost(red), keep the commandments (purple), Lord or Heavenly Father or any other names for God (highlighted in Yellow) and Jesus Christ or any other names for him (highlighted in Orange). I also have other colors that without my color chart in front of me I can not pull off the top of my head. Its amazing to look back on what you have read and see the different colors and their meaning. Did you know that on the very first page of the Book of Mormon, Where 1Nephi starts, God is mentioned 2 times with in 3 verses or if you flip to page 41 God (Lord, Spirit of God) is mentioned 20 times? In one of the chapters of Ether faith is mentioned around 32 times? (man I wish I had my book that has it highlighted in front of me so I can give the correct amount). The bad part is that no matter how many times I read the Book of Mormon and highlight different verses I can never remember verses off the top of my head. Some people can say (I'm just making it up and looking up the verse, mind you I have a copy of the Book of Mormon next to me and the internet where I can look up these verses) Alma 32:15 says: Yea, he that truly humbleth himself, and repenteth of his sins, and endureth to the end, the same shall be blessed—yea, much more blessed than they who are compelled to be humble because of their exceeding poverty. I can't even begin to quote scriptures or even tell you where the verse was that I read it. Like yesterday I read prophecy about the Book of Mormon and one verse said a Bible a Bible we already have a Bible, Oh man I better look that up because I don't know if I am quoting it right or even where it is. That is how bad I am at memorizing the scriptures.....pause for looking up....Okay so it is in 2Nephi 29:3 and the actual verse is "....A Bible! A Bible! We have got a Bible, and there cannot be any more Bible." So I was close, but I still didn't know where it was, the only way I found it was because I had highlighted it. I think I have gotten off coarse on what I was talking about.
So anyways, I want to read it from cover to cover but I wanted to do some type of challenge. I have been presented a few challenges from the missionaries in the past and I have forgotten what they were so I googled and I found a blog that had a schedule that was for a 30 day reading cycle. It comes off of a talk by President Gordon B. Hinckley Click here if you want to read what it says:
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Inside cover of my Book of Mormon |
I think I am doing alright in keeping to the schedule. I am a day or two behind, but I am striving to read it!!
I just want to say that I know this book, The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. And if you read it, with real intent, you will know it does testify of Christ. For only things that testify of the goodness of the Lord are of the Lord, because the devil can not testify of the goodness of the Lord but only the Holy Ghost can testify of God and Jesus. I hope you will seek the happiness this book brings and feel how closer to Heavenly Father you will become by just reading this book then asking Heavenly Father if this IS his words.
I suck at keeping up with my goals. As of today I am 10 days behind schedule. But I am proud to say that I am reading each day.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Love this: 33 Challenges of the Book of Mormon
When looking for a challenge to read the book of mormon I found this on someone's webpage. I liked it so much that I just had to copy it:
Occasionally you hear someone say, "I could believe your Mormon Doctrine if I just didn't have to swallow the story about Joseph Smith being a man of God and that he translated the Book of Mormon from some golden plates which he claimed he had found on a hill side." It is even possible that you, yourself, have doubted his story. Well, let us consider some facts or conditions that must be complied with in order for you or someone else to produce a similar record under comparable conditions.
1. You must be 23-24 years of age.
2. You cannot be a college graduate, in fact, you can have only three years of schooling.
3. You must write a book with 239 Chapters, 54 of them about wars, 21 about history, 55 about prophecy, 71 about doctrine, 17 about missionaries, and 21 about the mission of Jesus Christ.
4. Whatever you write must be on the basis of what you now know; no research can be done.
5. You must write a history of an ancient country, such as Tibet, covering a period from 600 BC to 421 AD. Why? Cause you know nothing about Tibet.
6. You must include in your writings the history of two distinct and seperate nations, along with histories of different contemperary nations or groups of people, of which no one ever knew existed.
7. Your writings must describe the religious, economic, social, and political cultures and institutions of these two nations.
8. You must weave into your history the religion of Jesus Christ and the pattern of Christian living.
9. When you start to produce this record, covering a period of over 1,000 years, you must finish it in approximatly 80 days.
10. When you have finished you must not make any changes in the text. The first edition must stand forever.
11. After pauses for sleep and food, if you are dictating to a stenographer you must never ask to have the last paragraph or last sentence read back to you.
12. Your record must be about 522 pages with over 510 word per page. You must add 180 proper nouns to the English language. William Shakespeare only added 20.
13. You must announce that your "smooth narrative" is not fiction, but truth, yes, even that it is a sacred record of history.
14. In fact, your book must fulfill Bible prophecies; even in the exact manner in which it shall come forth, to whom given, its purpose and accomplishments (Respectively-Psalms 85:10-11, Isaih 29:11-14, Ezekial 37:18-21, etc.)
15. You must publish it to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, declaring it to be the Word of God.
16. You must include with the record itself, the marvelous promise; "And when ye shall recieve these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God the Enternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, He will manifest the truth of it unto you by the power of the Holy Ghost" -Mor 3:5
17. Tens and hundreds of thousands must bear record to the world for the next 145 years that they know the record to be true, because they put the "promise" to the test and found it to be true, the truth manifested to them by the power of the Holy Ghost.
18. Thousands of great men, intellectual giants, and scholars must subscribe discipleship to the record and its movement even to the point of laying down their own lives for it.
19. Your descriptions of the culture and people in these civilizations of which you will write include, the manner of their written and spoken languages, type of buildings, geographic locations, governmental types, monetary system, types of tools and materials used, and many other facts completely unknown to the rest of the world.
20. There can be no flaw whatsoever in the entire record.
21. Yet, you must not make an absurd, impossible, or contradictory statement.
22. Even so, many of the facts, ideas, and statements given us as truth in your record must be entirely inconsistent, even the direct opposite of the prevailing beliefs of the world where very little is claimed to be known about these civilizations and their 1000 years of history.
23. You must invite the ablest scholars and experts to examine the text with care. You must strive diligently to see that your book gets into the hands of all those most eager to prove it a forgery and who are most competent to expose and flaw in it.
24. Through investigation, scientific evidence, and archaeological discoveries for the next 150+ years must verify your claims and prove even the minutest details of your history to be perfectly true, even to the types of roads they built.
25. After 150+ years of analysis, no claim or fact in the book is disproven, but all is vindicated. Other theories and ideas as to its origin, rise, and fall, leaving your claims as the only possible ones.
26. Internal and external prophecies must be confirmed and fulfilled in the next 150 years.
27. Three honest, accreditable witnesses must testify to the whole world that an angel from heaven appeared to them and showed them the ancient records from which you claim your record is translated. These three witnesses must never deny their testimony, not even upon their death bed.
28. You must call out of heaven the voice of the Redeemer to declare to the three witnesses that your record is true and that it is their responsibility to hear the testimony. They must handle and feel the engravings on the plates, and bear record of it. Again, they can never deny their testimony.
29. Eight other witnesses must testify to the world that they saw the ancient records in broad daylight and they that handled them and felt the engravings on the record.
30. The first three and the second eight witnesses must bear their testimony not for profit or gain, but under great personal sacrafice and severe persecution, even to their death.
31. You must find someone to finance your book with the understanding that neither he nor you will ever receive and monetary renumeration from it. You must sell the book at the cost of, or less than the cost of, its production value.
32. You must tell the world that the written record you have translated from was engraven gold plates, even though up until the time you make the claim, no one has ever found anywhere in past history any civilization using gold as a method of keeping records, and not until about 100 years later were any similar engraven gold plates found.
33. Finally, after suffering persecution and revilement for 20 years after you finish the book, you must willingly give your own life for your testimony that the record is from God. All the time you never make a profit or any other type of personal gain save it be your testimony of the work you brought forth.
Surely, no one without God's help could produce a similar record and comply with all of the above conditions. Wouldn't you say that Joseph Smith was indeed a man of good and that he was an instrument in God's hands to bring forth such a record?
© Copyrighted by Peter C. Covino, Jr. 1974
33 Challenges of the Book of Mormon
Occasionally you hear someone say, "I could believe your Mormon Doctrine if I just didn't have to swallow the story about Joseph Smith being a man of God and that he translated the Book of Mormon from some golden plates which he claimed he had found on a hill side." It is even possible that you, yourself, have doubted his story. Well, let us consider some facts or conditions that must be complied with in order for you or someone else to produce a similar record under comparable conditions.
1. You must be 23-24 years of age.
2. You cannot be a college graduate, in fact, you can have only three years of schooling.
3. You must write a book with 239 Chapters, 54 of them about wars, 21 about history, 55 about prophecy, 71 about doctrine, 17 about missionaries, and 21 about the mission of Jesus Christ.
4. Whatever you write must be on the basis of what you now know; no research can be done.
5. You must write a history of an ancient country, such as Tibet, covering a period from 600 BC to 421 AD. Why? Cause you know nothing about Tibet.
6. You must include in your writings the history of two distinct and seperate nations, along with histories of different contemperary nations or groups of people, of which no one ever knew existed.
7. Your writings must describe the religious, economic, social, and political cultures and institutions of these two nations.
8. You must weave into your history the religion of Jesus Christ and the pattern of Christian living.
9. When you start to produce this record, covering a period of over 1,000 years, you must finish it in approximatly 80 days.
10. When you have finished you must not make any changes in the text. The first edition must stand forever.
11. After pauses for sleep and food, if you are dictating to a stenographer you must never ask to have the last paragraph or last sentence read back to you.
12. Your record must be about 522 pages with over 510 word per page. You must add 180 proper nouns to the English language. William Shakespeare only added 20.
13. You must announce that your "smooth narrative" is not fiction, but truth, yes, even that it is a sacred record of history.
14. In fact, your book must fulfill Bible prophecies; even in the exact manner in which it shall come forth, to whom given, its purpose and accomplishments (Respectively-Psalms 85:10-11, Isaih 29:11-14, Ezekial 37:18-21, etc.)
15. You must publish it to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, declaring it to be the Word of God.
16. You must include with the record itself, the marvelous promise; "And when ye shall recieve these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God the Enternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, He will manifest the truth of it unto you by the power of the Holy Ghost" -Mor 3:5
17. Tens and hundreds of thousands must bear record to the world for the next 145 years that they know the record to be true, because they put the "promise" to the test and found it to be true, the truth manifested to them by the power of the Holy Ghost.
18. Thousands of great men, intellectual giants, and scholars must subscribe discipleship to the record and its movement even to the point of laying down their own lives for it.
19. Your descriptions of the culture and people in these civilizations of which you will write include, the manner of their written and spoken languages, type of buildings, geographic locations, governmental types, monetary system, types of tools and materials used, and many other facts completely unknown to the rest of the world.
20. There can be no flaw whatsoever in the entire record.
21. Yet, you must not make an absurd, impossible, or contradictory statement.
22. Even so, many of the facts, ideas, and statements given us as truth in your record must be entirely inconsistent, even the direct opposite of the prevailing beliefs of the world where very little is claimed to be known about these civilizations and their 1000 years of history.
23. You must invite the ablest scholars and experts to examine the text with care. You must strive diligently to see that your book gets into the hands of all those most eager to prove it a forgery and who are most competent to expose and flaw in it.
24. Through investigation, scientific evidence, and archaeological discoveries for the next 150+ years must verify your claims and prove even the minutest details of your history to be perfectly true, even to the types of roads they built.
25. After 150+ years of analysis, no claim or fact in the book is disproven, but all is vindicated. Other theories and ideas as to its origin, rise, and fall, leaving your claims as the only possible ones.
26. Internal and external prophecies must be confirmed and fulfilled in the next 150 years.
27. Three honest, accreditable witnesses must testify to the whole world that an angel from heaven appeared to them and showed them the ancient records from which you claim your record is translated. These three witnesses must never deny their testimony, not even upon their death bed.
28. You must call out of heaven the voice of the Redeemer to declare to the three witnesses that your record is true and that it is their responsibility to hear the testimony. They must handle and feel the engravings on the plates, and bear record of it. Again, they can never deny their testimony.
29. Eight other witnesses must testify to the world that they saw the ancient records in broad daylight and they that handled them and felt the engravings on the record.
30. The first three and the second eight witnesses must bear their testimony not for profit or gain, but under great personal sacrafice and severe persecution, even to their death.
31. You must find someone to finance your book with the understanding that neither he nor you will ever receive and monetary renumeration from it. You must sell the book at the cost of, or less than the cost of, its production value.
32. You must tell the world that the written record you have translated from was engraven gold plates, even though up until the time you make the claim, no one has ever found anywhere in past history any civilization using gold as a method of keeping records, and not until about 100 years later were any similar engraven gold plates found.
33. Finally, after suffering persecution and revilement for 20 years after you finish the book, you must willingly give your own life for your testimony that the record is from God. All the time you never make a profit or any other type of personal gain save it be your testimony of the work you brought forth.
Surely, no one without God's help could produce a similar record and comply with all of the above conditions. Wouldn't you say that Joseph Smith was indeed a man of good and that he was an instrument in God's hands to bring forth such a record?
© Copyrighted by Peter C. Covino, Jr. 1974
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