I voted
So I guess I can say today I voted. Yeah jump for joy. Nope not me! First off I went into the polls knowing nothing about anyone except the presidential candidates. Second, where was the info on the propositions that were being passed. I do have to admit that California has it together when it comes to making sure the voter is informed!! I guess I am also not happy about voting because honestly I THINK OUR VOTES DO NOT COUNT!!! yup, I said it. Voting is just something to make the people think they are calling the shots, making the decisions about who is going to run our country. Me, I don't think that. Voting is something that is givin to us people to make us think that this is our government. If that be the case that our vote counts then why the heck back in 19-- oh i forgot the year. But back then when Al Gore was running for president, the people of the United States voted Al into office but nooooo we all know what happened. Baby Bush was placed into the white house, why because the stupid Electoral College. Yup I called it stupid. It just proved to me that no matter how much us, the people, want someone in office another yahoo is put there. And boy did this country pay for that decision. 10+ years of war, an economy that today is still not back on track, even food and stuff we buy are expensive while our paychecks remain small. I think I need to save some money and buy me a nice island somewhere in the pacific and live there on my own, no government, no laws except my own, no one around me. wow now I am starting to sound like my dad.
So forgive me when I am not happy when I say I voted. I'm not being antiamerican or even just plain rude. But I have my reasons as to why I am not happy this year on voting.
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