Friday, January 13, 2012

Why do I feel this way?

At times the way I feel drives me insane! For the last 9 months I have been living alone while Chango is on the road driving. I have never liked being alone in the house and yet here I am sitting on the couch alone, well except for the dogs. I am also waiting for Chango to call, I guess the truck stop he is at is showing movies and so he is watching one or two. It drives me insane, not to be able to talk to him when I want. But I have to be more understanding; he is on the road, he needs to relax sometimes instead of being cooped up in that truck. I just can't wait till he is on a local route where he is home again. This is no life, living apart from my husband. Thats all I want is him home, by my side, making our home a home. Is that too much to ask? Am I being selfish? Why do I feel this way and not happy that he is providing for us?

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