Monday, January 2, 2012

Ment for eachother

I love Chango with all my heart!! I truly believe he and I were meant for each other, that we were together in the pre-mortal life, and some how we found each other in this life. You probably wonder how I can think that, and at times I wonder how I can think it also. He and I are opposites! We don't like the same type of music, our taste in movies are different, even our taste in foods are different. But even though we are different in many things, we compromise to make it work. After 10 years we have learned if we come to a middle both of us walk away happy. But we aren't always different, when we talk about our future, the type of house we want, how we want to raise our kids once we have them we tend to be on the same track. That is when we come together as one. I am so grateful to have him as a husband even though he is not perfect, but heck there was only one perfect man on this earth and he is Jesus. Heavenly Father has blessed us in our marriage and our years together and I continue to believe He will bless us in the years to come!

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