Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Bad news for a family member

I have a cousin that is my favorite in the whole wide world; he was released from prison on parole.  For three weeks it seemed like he was doing well, at least that's what he was telling me.  He would call me every day or every other day to check in and let me know he was okay.  I had spoken to him on Thursday and told him I would talk to him on Friday. Friday came and I called him, no answer.  I thought “okay he may just be busy”.  Saturday no answer, Sunday the same, then on Monday his phone started going to voice mail. So finally today I called a parole office, they informed me that he was arrested Monday.  I don’t know why, wondering when I am going to learn what it was for.  But it hurts, and I feel like I should have done more to keep him out, but he did have it rough.  He was homeless, moneyless, family-less, and struggling.  In a way it feels like a relief because he isn’t on the streets, but at the same time I just wish he wouldn’t have gone back.  When I was told I got sad, my greatest fear came true.   I was hoping he would “tough” it out and next year when he got off of parole he would be able to come out here to Missouri with me.  In a way I feel disappointed. Disappointed in the cards he was delt, and how it put him back into prison.  Disappointed that his choices, well I haven’t really found out what the reason for going back was, put him back in there.  Disappointed, that I couldn’t help my cousin with more than just emotional support from far away.

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